nlp training in Lebanon

NLP training in Lebanon

NLP practitioner certification
NLP training in Lebanon and the Middle east

Welcome to the world of NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming, the systematic study of human performance. NLP is a subjective experience; It’s a fluid framework that transforms at much deeper levels, faster than we ever imagined. NLP provides practitioners an opportunity to initiate change in the lives of their clients. Neurolinguistic Programming analyzes and transfers human excellence, which results in the most valuable, helpful and practical psychology practiced. A real hands-on learning experience and an open mind, pushes the limits of the training at all levels.

NLP training in lebanon

Fikr for training –a training for life™ provides several NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) training programs that are certified by the American Union of NLP and presented by master trainer Jihad Abou Zeid
We train interested people to become NLP practitioners and master practitioners so that they can practice NLP to change their lives, as well as to practice NLP on others to help them solve their problems and live a more positive life.
NLP can be used to transform people’s lives to the better, help them acquire new habits, and forsake habits that are no longer needed. NLP can help people get over past issues in their lives and move forward to achieve new successes or to live a happier more fulfilling lives.
NLP can also be learned simply to improve communications in the business world, or on a personal level.

Jihad is providing NLP training in Lebanon and the Middle east where he modified many techniques to find solutions for PTSD, Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

The NLP practitioner course includes the following topics:

1)Know Your brain
2)Structure of the brain
3)Function of the brain parts
4)The way we perceive the world
5)Filters of the brain
6)what is NLP
7)Questions and Answers About NLP
11)Wide Eyes (or Soft Eyes)
12)Eye Accessing Cues (Movements)
13)Representational Systems
14)Data processing
15)Short term Memories
16)Long term Memories
19)Perceptual Strategies
20)Sub-Modality Distinctions
Table of Contents
21)States of Excellence
22)Presuppositions of NLP
23)Meta Model
24)Information Gathering: The Key to Successful Interactions
25)The Key Questions
26)Meta Model Chart
28)Anchoring and Adding a Resource
29)Chaining Anchors
30)Behavior Transfer
31)Changing Personal History
32)Lie / Truth Submodalities Exercise
33)Eliminating Fears
34)The Visual Squash Exercise with Regression
35)Visual Squash –Revised
36)The Swish Pattern
37)Swish Pattern Exercises
38)Computer Swish
39)Godiva Chocolate Pattern
40)New Behavior Generator
42)How to Mend a Broken Heart
43)6-Step Reframing Outline
44)NLP-Based “Nonverbal” Induction
45)Building Self-Confidence
46)Developing Self-Appreciation
47)Metaphor for Change
49)Dave Elman Induction
51)of Common NLP Terms

Benefits of being a certified NLP practitioner

1- You will learn how to control your feelings, turn the negative to positive.
2- Get rid of your fears, Learn how to make steps forward.
3- Establishing better rapport with others, you will be a better communicator.
4- You will discover your potential, to know what you are really able to do.
5- You will learn how to find solutions for your conflicts in business and in personal life.
6- Become more confident
7- Learn how to change your unwanted behavior
8- Successful attendees will be certified from the American union of NLP as NLP practitioners
9- All Attendees will be listed on the AUNLP website as practitioners

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