Consistency in sales-training-in-Lebanon

Consistency in sales training in Lebanon – the Key to Success.

What is consistency, and how does it relate to success? What difference does it make to our lives?

Consistency helps us survive stress and setbacks in our everyday lives. It is learning to never give up in order to reach success, and therefore to believe that every day there is a new beginning. It is about believing in yourself and in your abilities to reach success and not allowing setbacks and rejections to let you doubt your abilities or deter you from your objectives.

The word Consistency means you can motivate yourself and keep the positive outlook in the face of all challenges that face you through work or life. Success is to be able to pep talk to yourself and raise your energy levels when the going is tough. Hence, you can learn to do this with the right training. Where successful people are always able to rise after every fall, and to continue going on long after others give up.

Who needs consistency training?

The consistency course is for all levels, but probably most important for salespeople, as sales is one of the most stressful of occupations, especially when dealing with rejection or failing to close a sales.  A few consecutive rejections in many cases affect the morale of the salesperson, and plants doubts about the product, the company and other excuses where the salesperson might start doubting his own abilities.

This course is to train salespersons to keep their sight on track, motivate themselves and keep persisting until they achieve their targets.  It is about how to keep them going after major setbacks without affecting the morality.  Not an easy task, and requires commitment and strong self confidence, which is what this course is all about.

For the first time in Lebanon the Consistency training is presented with integration of many NLP techniques. A new training for a new perspective.

Consistency training program will help you achieving your company and your sales goals.

The course includes:
– Motivating yourself (inner source)
– How to excel in your work with practical steps
– Planning
– Organizing
– Leading
– Controlling
– Achieving
– Re-planning
– Re-organizing
– Keep your energy levels high
– Creating your Shield
– Protecting your Shield
– Energy booster
– Circle of excellence
– Anchoring
– Anchor set up
– Anchor Fire off
– Handle rejections positively
– Keep your professionalism
– Don’t take it personally
– It is not about how you feel
– Don’t feel under attack
– Control your emotional and mental state
– Control your temper
– Stay consistent and persistent to achieve success
– Find new resources to reach your goals
– Different perspective different results
– You already have all the resources you need
– 360 º view
– Fast swift
– Pattern interrupt
– Succeeding by eliminating the negative influences from your life
– Deal with problems and circumstances to overcome them and achieve success
– Recognizing and dealing with self made excuses
– Positive self criticism and fixes


Consistency training in Lebanon integrated with NLP is presented  by Jihad Abou Zeid:

– Masters in law
– CPD certified in Management and leadership
– Master sales trainer
– Certified NLP Master practitioner and trainer by the International Union Of NLP ( IUNLP )

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